
Solutions >RFID - Item level Tagging

RFID - Item level Tagging

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (commonly referred to as an RFID tag) placed or incorporated in a product, animal or person to identify and track this object by using radio waves. Some RFID tags can be lidads several meters away and outside the line of sight of the RFID reader. The DI2S has a modern technology hardware and software applications RFID with Anatel Certification.

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Solutions >RFID - Item level Tagging

RFID - Item level Tagging

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (commonly referred to as an RFID tag) placed or incorporated in a product, animal or person to identify and track this object by using radio waves. Some RFID tags can be lidads several meters away and outside the line of sight of the RFID reader.


The DI2S has a modern technology hardware and software applications RFID with Anatel Certification.


Through the use of RFID increases the accuracy of balance of stock in more than 30% and reduces the time these statements in more than 96%. The use of RFID tags in different types of products provides a guaranteed return in several areas ranging from production line access control and identification of persons on inventory control, through control of patients and feeding animals.

